Colloquium by Prof. Amitabha Nandi, Physics Dept, IIT Bombay
Event Date: 
Wednesday, 14 March 2018 - 5:15pm

Title: Shaping of a fruit-fly wing: Active mechanics and dynamics of epithelia during morphogenesis

Speaker: Prof. Amitabha Nandi, Physics Dept, IIT Bombay

Abstract: In the course of the development of an organism, tissues are dynamically remodeled due to forces generated within the cells, cellular rearrangements, cell division and apoptosis. Such remodelling drives tissue reorganization over long time-scales and leads to formation of complex shapes. The wing of a fruit-fly is an important model system to study epithelial morphogenesis. At early pupal stage, the wing undergoes a dramatic shape change and in this dynamic process, the final shape of the wing is established. In this talk we will discuss the physical mechanisms involved during this process by using a combination of experiment and theory.

LC 201 (Lecture Hall Complex)
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai