Welcome to IITB Physics
The physics department at IIT Bombay, established in 1958, is one of the premier places in the country, providing world-class undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as pursuing research in diverse areas of fundamental and applied physics. The department is one of the few places offering a B.Tech academic degree, through its Engineering Physics programme. This unique course blends the best of contemporary physics and electrical engineering, to create professionals who are equally comfortable with both science and technology.
The department also conducts a B.Tech-M.Tech dual degree programme in Engineering Physics, 2-year M.Sc. programme, and a 4-year dual degree M.Sc. (Physics)-M.Tech. (Material Science) programme, with a specialization in Nanoscience and Technology (offered jointly with the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science).
Our research spans over condensed matter physics, photonics, nuclear and elementary particle physics, string theory and cosmology. Establishment of state-of-the art experimental and computational facilities have allowed us to venture into emergent interdisciplinary areas like nanotechnology, quantum information processing, nonlinear dynamics, and biophysics. With a vibrant and active Ph.D. programme, in which about 100 research students are currently enrolled, IIT Physics thrives to be one of the leading research institutes of the world.