Himadri Shekhar Dhar
Assistant Professor
+91 22 2576 7570


Research Interests: 
  • Quantum information, entanglement and resource theories: Entanglement and quantum correlations in quantum optics and many-body systems. Mathematical perspective of entanglement and other resource theories. 
  • Quantum optics, cavity QED and hybrid quantum systems: Theoretical and computational study of the interaction of light with matter in phenomena ranging from photon condensation to hybrid systems in quantum technology.
  • Quantum information dynamics: Study the dynamics of both conservative and dissipative systems in cavity QED and many-body physics using computational tools such as tensor networks methods, quantum trajectories and variational quantum algorithm.
  • Optimal control theory, state engineering and machine learning: Developing optimal control models to design quantum devices and use of machine learning algorithms to engineer these systems.
Selected Publications: 
  1. Ross C. Schofield, Ming Fu, Edmund Clarke, Ian Farrer, Aristotelis Trapalis, Himadri S. Dhar, Rick Mukherjee, Toby Severs Millard, Jon Heffernan, Florian Mintert, Robert A. Nyman and Rupert F. Oulton, Bose–Einstein condensation of light in a semiconductor quantum well microcavity, Nature Photonics (2024).
  2. Yijun Tang, Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Rupert F. Oulton, Robert A. Nyman and Florian Mintert, Breakdown of Temporal Coherence in Photon Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 173601 (2024)
  3. Matthias Zens, Dmitry O. Krimer, Himadri S. Dhar and Stefan Rotter, Periodic cavity state revivals from atomic frequency combs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180402 (2021).
  4. Joao D. Rodrigues, Himadri S. Dhar, Benjamin T. Walker, Jason M. Smith, Rupert F. Oulton, Florian Mintert and Robert A. Nyman, Learning the Fuzzy Phases of Small Photonic Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 150602 (2021).
  5. Benjamin T. Walker, Joao D. Rodrigues, Himadri S. Dhar, Rupert F. Oulton, Florian Mintert and Robert A. Nyman, Nonstationary correlation in formation jitter of photonic condensates, Nature Communications 11, 1390 (2020).
  6. Benjamin T. Walker, Henry J. Hesten, Himadri S. Dhar, Robert A. Nyman, and Florian Mintert, Noncritical slowing down of photonic condensation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203602 (2019)
  7. Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Matthias Zens, Dmitry O. Krimer, and Stefan Rotter, Variational Renormalization Group for Dissipative Spin-Cavity Systems: Periodic Pulses of Nonclassical Photons from Mesoscopic Spin Ensembles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 133601 (2018).
  8. Sudipto Singha Roy, Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Debraj Rakshit, Aditi Sen(De) and Ujjwal Sen, Analytical recursive method to ascertain multisite entanglement in doped quantum  spin ladders, Phys. Rev. B 96, 075143 (2017).
  9. Alexander Streltsov, Uttam Singh, Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Manabendra Nath Bera, and Gerardo Adesso, Measuring Quantum Coherence with Entanglement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 020403 (2015). Highlighted in Phys.org as “Physicists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin”, and Nature India titled “New research to aid quantum computing, teleportation”.
  10. Himadri Shekhar Dhar, Aditi Sen(De), and Ujjwal Sen, Characterizing genuine multisite entanglement in isotropic spin lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 070501 (2013).

For the complete list of publications, see my Google Scholar profile or arXiv page.


Courses Teaching/Taught:
  • Quantum Information and Computation (PH 534)
  • Programming Course (PH 434)
Research Category: