Seminar by Dr. Abhishek Roy, ITP, Cologne, Germany
Event Date: 
Friday, 10 August 2018 - 10:00am

Title: The chiral Haldane phase with SU(N) symmetry

Speaker: Dr. Abhishek Roy, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Cologne, Germany

Abstract: Spin chains with PSU(N) symmetry are known to have symmetry protected topological phases distinguished by boundary states and a Haldane gap. We determine the parent Hamiltonians of some of these phases at the AKLT point where the ground state is known. We demonstrate a graphical method that exploits the geometry of the ground state and allows computations for arbitrary N. Finally we make some speculative remarks on the fate of the Haldane conjecture.

(Paper: Phys. Rev. B 97, 155148, A. Roy and T. Quella)

Room 202 (Seminar room), Physics Department
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai