Seminar by Dr. Shaswat Tiwari, North Carolina State University
Event Date: 
Wednesday, 28 August 2024 - 4:00pm

Title : A new TMD factorization bridging large x and small x

Speaker: Dr. Shaswat Tiwari, North Carolina State University

Abstract: QCD factorization takes on different forms in the large-x and the small-x regimes. In the large-x motivated collinear factorization, one gets the DGLAP evolution equation, whereas, in the small-x motivated rapidity factorization, the BFKL equation is the major player. To unify different regimes, a new TMD factorization based on the background field method is proposed, which not only reduces to CSS and DGLAP in the large-x limit and BFKL in the small-x limit, but also defines a general evolution away from these regimes. Such a factorization has the potential to significantly advance our comprehension of high-energy processes and the three-dimensional structure of hadrons. Based on: and upcoming works.

Seminar Room (202), Physics Department
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai