Seminar by Dr. Sriram Guddala, City College of City University of New York, USA
Event Date: 
Wednesday, 9 August 2023 - 4:00pm

Title: Light-Matter Interactions in 2D Quantum Materials Integrated Photonic Nanostructures.

Speaker: Dr. Sriram Guddala, City College of City University of New York, USA

Abstract: The light-induced quantum transitions between electronic or vibrational states are the fundamental motives for the technological development of lasers, photodiodes, light-emitting diodes, thermal imaging, and biological sensors, as well as for the envisioned quantum revolution unfurling before our eye. The developments in quantum sciences and technologies demonstrated so far are fascinating but the future progress requires the exploitation of novel light-matter interactions in novel materials integrated into photonic devices. In this motive, my research is focused on developing wide-range of micro/nanostructured optical materials and exploring intriguing optical phenomenea for optoelectroincs and photonics applications. My research direction focused on exploring novel optical phenomenea in 2D quantum materials integrated photonics materials and achieve optical confinement and unidirectional routing of 2D materials'quantum properties, which could find applications in quantum information science and on-chip thermal energy engineering. In the first part of my talk, I will discuss our recent developments on exploring novel topological polaritonic phases1-3, which permit to endow the material degree of freedom such as excitons/phonons in 2D materials with photonic topological insulators properties. In the second part, I will present photonics and valleytronics applications of 2D Van der Waals materials integrated photonic structures4-6. These studies could open new avenues to technological developments interms of directional heat dissipation, advanced vibrational spectroscopy and information processing.

References: 1. Guddala, S., et al. "Topological phonon-polariton funneling in midinfrared metasurface " Science 374, 6564, 225-227 (2021).

2. Li, Mengyao, et al. "Experimental observation of topological Z2 exciton-polaritons in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers." Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 4425 (2021).

3. Kiriushechkina, Svetlana, et al. "Spin-dependent properties of optical modes guided by adiabatic trapping potentials in photonic Dirac metasurfaces." Nature Nanotechnology (2023): 1-7, (2023).

4. Guddala, S. et al. All-optical nonreciprocity due to valley polarization pumping in transition metal dichalcogenides. Nature Communications 2021 12:1 12, 1-9 (2021).

5. Guddala, S., Bushati, R., Li, M., Khanikaev, A. B. & Menon, V. M. Valley selective optical control of excitons in 2D semiconductors using a chiral metasurface. Opt Mater Express 9, 536 (2019).

6. Guddala, S. et al. Optical analog of valley Hall effect of 2D excitons in hyperbolic metamaterial. Optica 8, 50-55 (2021).

Seminar Room (202), Physics Department
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai