Title: Quantum Computing - On the Brink of Explosive Growth
Speaker: Dr. Subodh Kulkarni, President and CEO of Rigetti Quantum Computing
Abstract: Quantum computing research has been in the academic domain for many years now. Recent development breakthroughs are likely to enable significant commercial opportunities with quantum computing, starting with national labs investments in the next 3-5 years. Among the various modalities of quantum computing, we believe superconducting modality is likely to be the dominant modality in future, primarily because of scalability and gate speeds. The key challenge with the superconducting modality has been fidelity, but various steps are being taken to improve fidelity and enable 99+% 2-qubit gate fidelity. We expect demonstration of narrow Quantum Advantage (The point at which a quantum computer can solve a practical, operationally relevant problem better, faster, or cheaper than current classical solution) in the next 2-3 years, and Quantum Advantage the following 2-3 years. Once Quantum Advantage is achieved we anticipate explosive growth in commercial opportunities for the quantum computing industry.