Seminar by Dr. Varun Narasimhachar, NTU, Singapore
Event Date: 
Tuesday, 21 February 2023 - 2:00pm

Title: Quantum thermodynamic resources--- from coherence to non-Markovianity

Speaker: Dr, Varun Narasimhachar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract: A thermodynamic resource is a physical system that can fuel an engine to perform useful work. The history of thermodynamics has been one of continual expansion in the variety of such resources: while the first engines could only be fueled by temperature gradients, later developments enabled engines powered by any form of free energy, including pure information. In this seminar, we will present a glimpse of our work where we characterized thermodynamic resources in the forms of (1) quantum coherence, (2) phase-space features of continuous-variable systems, and (3) temporal patterns in stochastic processes.

[1] Narasimhachar, V. and Gour, G., 2015. Low-temperature thermodynamics with quantum coherence. Nature communications, 6(1), pp.1-6.

[2] Narasimhachar, V., Thompson, J., Ma, J., Gour, G. and Gu, M., 2019. Quantifying memory capacity as a quantum thermodynamic resource. Physical Review Letters, 122(6), p.060601.

[3] Narasimhachar, V., Assad, S., Binder, F.C., Thompson, J., Yadin, B. and Gu, M., 2021. Thermodynamic resources in continuous-variable quantum systems. npj Quantum Information, 7(1), pp.1-7.

[4] Huang, R.C., Riechers, P.M., Gu, M. and Narasimhachar, V., 2022. Engines for predictive work extraction from memoryfull quantum stochastic processes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.03480.

Seminar Room (202), Physics Department
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai