Seminar by Prof. Charanjit Aulakh, IISER Mohali
Event Date: 
Tuesday, 19 March 2019 - 10:30am

Title: MSGUTs : Into the Pleroma

Speaker: Prof. Charanjit Aulakh, IISER Mohali

Abstract: The first complete Suspersymmetric SO(10) GUT based on the 210-126 Higgs system, proposed in 1982, proved to be the (parameter counting) Minimal Susy GUT (MSGUT) . We review the main features of the perturbative analysis of this GUT and its successful fits of low energy data . SO(10) RG evolution above the perturbative Unification scale predicts a strong Landau Pole below the Planck scale. We argue that the accurate supersymmetry in the Ultraviolet motivates a scenario based on GUT breaking chiral condensates driven by the SO(10) glueball (``Pleromal") gauge Condensate via the well known Konishi Anomaly equation. A soluble toy Asymptotically Strong O(3) gauge theory with a symmetric 5 plet is used to advocate a program of research on the corresponding phenomena in the MSGUT and other UV condensing Susy GUT models. If successful this would constitute a fresh (ASGUT) paradigm for Grand Unification counterposed to the traditional Asymptotically Free scenarios.

Seminar Room (202), Physics Department
IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai