Available lecture notes

Quantum Field Theory

Notes covering (1) Dirac equation in group theory approach of Weinberg (2) covariant pertrubation theory introducing Feynman diagrams. Published version.

Cosmology and Inflation

Lectures given at SERC school. Published version.

Areas of interest

Seeking clues for the unification of fundamental forces in the context of  Cosmology

Incorporate small nutrino masses

Explore left-right symmetry at TeV to PeV scale

Cosmological impact of spontaneous parity breaking

Seeking connection between supersymmetry breaking and parity breaking

Seeking the effects of Planck scale physics in suppressing unwanted relics

Strong new physics manifested as excited fermions


Some History of Science and public interest articles

 -- Conception of Photons part I

 -- Conception of Photons part II

 -- An interview with Prof. E C G Sudarshan

 -- Prediction and identification of Gravitational Waves