Dibyendu Das

B 229


Research Interests: 

Theory of Stochatic Processes,  and Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics and their applications to physical and biological systems. 

I am interested in mathematical problems related to the biological processes in pathogen populations, gene expression, cytoskeletal filaments, and neurons.  A focus has been on first passage questions. 
We have been closely working with experimentalists on both physical and biological problems. 

Earlier I have worked on pattern formation & universal scaling properties of cooling granular matter, and active self-propelled particles and hard rods.  


Ph.d. Students 


  • Hillol Barman -- Stochastic processes in Biology


  • Mahendra Shinde (2010) -- pattern formation in cooling granular gases.  
  • Supravat Dey (2012) -- pattern formation in active matter and dissipative gases.  [Faculty -- SRM University, Andhra Pradesh]
  • Dipjyoti Das (2014) -- stochastic processes in cytoskeletal filaments and microbial populations [Faculty -- IISER Kolkata]     
  • Aparna J.S. (2019) -- Studies of cytoskeletal filaments.   
  • Jyoti Sharma (2021) --Experiments on non-linear camphor rotors. [Post-doc -- Pisa, Italy]
  • Animesh Biswas (2021) -- Experiments on mercury drops and camphor boats  [Post-doc -- Ohio State University, USA]
  • Indrani Nayak (2021) -- First capture of a moving target under confinement.  [Post-doc -- Ohio State University, USA]  
  • Saeed Ahmed (2022) -- Stochastic Resetting and non-equilibrium transitions. [Post-doc -- Ohio State Univeristy, USA]  
  • Krishna Rijal (2023) -- First passage and protein threshold crossing, and Synaptic transmission [Post-doc -- Boston University, USA]  

Courses Taken

1. Classical Mechanics (PH401), 
2. Mathematical Physics (PH407, PH408, PH223), 
3. Statistical Physics (PH410, PH438, PH216), 
4. Advanced Statistical Physics (PH543), 
5. Electricity and Magnetism (PH102)



B.Sc. Physics — Presidency College, Kolkata, India (1990-93)

M.Sc. Physics — IIT Kanpur, India (1993-95)

Ph.D. Physics — TIFR, Mumbai, India (1995-2000)

Post-Doctoral Fellow — Brandeis University, USA (2000-02)

Post-Doctoral Fellow — Orsay, University Paris Sud, France (2002-03)

Faculty — IIT Bombay, India (2003- now)



Google Scholar Link                   

Selected Publications: 

                                           Stochastic processes and Biophysics

15. "Exact distribution of Quantal content in Synaptic transmission",
Krishna Rijal, Nicolus I C Muller, Eckhard Friauf, Abhyudai Singh, Ashok Prasad,  Dibyendu Das,
Phys. Rev. Letts. 132, 228401 (2024).

14. "Exact distribution of threshold crossing times for protein concentrations: implication for Biological timekeeping",
Krishna Rijal, Ashok Prasad, Abhyudai Singh, Dibyendu Das, 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 048101 (2022).

13. "Protein hourglass: Exact first passage time distributions for protein thresholds",
Krishna Rijal, Ashok Prasad, Dibyendu Das,  
Phys. Rev. E 102, 052413 (2020).

12. "Comparison of mechanisms of kinetochore capture with varying number of spindle microtubules",
Indrani Nayak, Dibyendu Das, Amitabha Nandi,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013114 (2020).

11. “First passage of a particle in a potential under stochastic resetting: A vanishing transition of optimal resetting rate”, 
Saeed Ahmad, Indrani Nayak, Ajay Bansal, Amitabha Nandi, Dibyendu Das, 
Phys. Rev. E 99, 022130 (2019).

10. "Signatures of a macoscopic switching transition for a dynamic microtubule",
J. S. Aparna, Ranjith Padinhateeri, Dibyendu Das,
Scientific Reports 7:  45747 (2017).

9. "Theoretical estimates of exposure timescales of protein binding sites on DNA regulated by nucleosome kinetics",
Jyotsana J. Parmar, Dibyendu Das, Ranjith Padinhateeri, 
Nucleic Acids Research  44, 1630 (2016).  

8. “Collective force generated by multiple biofilaments can exceed the sum of forces due to individual ones'',
Dipjyoti Das, Dibyendu Das, Ranjith Padinhateeri,
New J. Phys. 16, 063032 (2014) .

                                   Self-Propelled particles

7. "First passage of an active particle in the presence of passive crowders", 
Animesh Biswas, J.M. Cruz, P. Parmanada, Dibyendu Das,
Soft Matter 16, 6138 (2020). 

6. “Spatial Structures and Giant Number Fluctuations in Models of Active Matter'',
Supravat Dey, Dibyendu Das, R. Rajesh,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 238001 (2012).

                                  Polymer dynamics

5. “Kinetics of polymer tumbling in shear flow: a coarse-grained description”,
Sadhana Singh, R. K. Singh, Dibyendu Das,  Sanjay Kumar,  
Phys. Rev. E (Rapid. Com.) 99, 030501 (2019)

4. “Accurate statistics of a flexible polymer chain in shear flow'',
Dibyendu Das,  Sanjib Sabhapandit,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 188301 (2008).

                                  Granular gases

3. “Energy decay in Three-dimensional freely cooling granular gas'',
Sudhir N. Pathak, Zahera Jabeen, Dibyendu Das, R. Rajesh, 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 , 038001 (2014)

2. “Inhomogeneous Cooling of the Rough Granular Gas in Two Dimensions",
Sudhir N. Pathak, Dibyendu Das, R. Rajesh, 
Europhys. Lett. 107, 44001 (2014).

1. “Violation of Porod law in a freely cooling granular gas in one dimension'',
Mahendra Shinde, Dibyendu Das, R. Rajesh, 
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 234505 (2007).

Research Category: