Condensed Matter Theory

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

The overarching theme of condensed matter physics is the study of how new phenomena emerge from the collective behavior of a large collection of particles. Rooted in the philosophy of "more is different", our field explores how microscopic interactions between individual components lead to fundamentally distinct laws that govern the system at the macroscopic level — laws that cannot be deduced from the physics of individual components alone.

The research in theoretical condensed matter physics at IIT Bombay revolves around a synergistic combination of quantum physics, symmetries, topology, strong correlations, disorder, dynamics, and novel materials. In our endeavor to understand and predict emergent phenomena that govern macroscopic quantum systems relevant to experiments, we focus on two broad lines of research. The first approach relies on simple models that capture the essential physics of a problem, highlighting its universal aspects and providing the theoretical foundations for novel phenomena. The second approach employs first-principles methodologies to bridge theoretical predictions with their realization in condensed matter platforms such as solid-state materials and artificial quantum systems, emphasizing the discovery and design of exotic physical properties with potential technological applications.