Quantum Information Theory

Quantum Information Theory

Physics often informs us about how to think about the world around us through the lens of the fundamental laws of the universe. Such laws can be thought of as the “hardware rules” of the universe. Besides this hardware perspective, the universe can also be viewed in terms of the “software” it runs. Just like a program accepts an input and returns an output, one can think of physical systems such as black holes as accepting an input of matter and returning an output of Hawking radiation. Quantum information theory studies the universe in terms of such a software perspective, analysing the information theoretic content of physical processes.

This combined hardware and software approach is the crux of our group's work here at IIT Bombay. We study various physical problems, ranging from the physics of quantum technologies, hybrid light-matter interacting systems and communication over quantum networks by taking into account both the hardware and software rules of the universe we live in.